Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I hate most questions that start with Why. Half the time I don't know the answer and if I do no one believes me or continues on to why that is. Even when I do give them an answer they don't really care why it is whatever it is. I know, I know, this is nothing new to anyone. But I find myself asking myself why my kids expect so much. Yes, they think the world revolves around them and no, they care very little about what I am doing when they interrupt. This all comes about because my kids ask me to do strange things for them at strange times. I am taking a shower and Eli comes in the bathroom to tell me he is thirsty and cannot reach a cup. And what, I can? I am mowing the lawn and Xavier brings me his cup of frozen Gatorade for me to chop for him. It's not like I am sitting around doing nothing. Some days I feel like that is how I spend my time. I cannot start anything because someone will all too soon interrupt me to do something for them. This is why I haven't scrapbooked in over a year. Poor Vanessa. Last child with no baby album. I do have all the pictures and supplies to get it together and should do it before I forget what I can write about. But too many want to help crop and glue.

Vanessa wants to "Tinkle in the toilet" as we are calling it. Why do we call it tinkling Xavier wants to know. Because that it the sound it makes when she goes. Every time she sits on the potty she has been able to go but not every time she has to go does she sit on the potty. I hate potty training. It is more like I am being trained. They want to use the toilet at the worst time. Like when your cart is full in line at Walmart. We aren't at that stage yet but I feel I should take her every time she asks. But today as I am helping her in the bathroom I start feeling a bit claustrophobic. Could it be because there are 6 kids in the bathroom. WHY? Why do they move in flocks except when I need them to? Why don't they all move inside when I need them to or into the car when we need to leave? Why do they herd to the table when I go to clean up the kitchen? They just ate, I am trying to wipe the counters and they all sit like they are waiting to be served. Why do they tattle tale? Haven't they realized that nothing ever happens when they do? Tattling only occurs when no one gets hurt. He said, she said. "He called me stupid." "Well, are you stupid?" "No." "Then who cares what they say, it's not true."

OK enough I will get back. The beautiful sleeping angels are about to wake up and I like to look at them a bit while they are still sleeping and waking up with their groggy eyes. It helps me remember who they really are. Children of a Heavenly Father who has entrusted them with me. Who believes that I am capable of raising them and answering the many why questions of life. Even if I make up the answer now and again.


Webster Family said...

Holy Cow I feel the same way with my 2 kids! There are some days that I swear I have a headache just from them asking so many questions. You put it beautifully though...they were sent to us by a kind and loving Heavenly Father and he knows what we can handle and he trusts us to teach our children the right way...even if it means fudging your way thru some silly questions! Love ya

Kimber said...

Why do they move in flocks, except when I don't want them to? Heheheahhaha. Ah. Yes. So true.