Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Goofy Goober

I only title it that because Xavier loves Spongebob. Derek still calls him Baber Bave. Lately I have been saying E-Xavier because I combine Eli at the beginning. I cannot get names right. He tells me that E-Xavier is not his name. Derek took he and Eli to the skate park the other day even though it was like 28 degrees outside. Xavier loved it. He sat on his skateboard and went down the half pipe a couple of times. he is trying to ride on one foot on the concrete and has been trying to do tricks on his board at home on the carpet. It is cool to see him build confidence. We got a couple large boxes and Xavier has spent the last 2 days building a fort. First he drew a steering wheel on it and it was a car. Now he has cut holes all over it and he likes to get in and close it and it is a fort. I swear boxes are such great toys. They require imagination and provide hours of fun. Plus they are almost always free.

1 comment:

Webster Family said...

-k- so how many times did that same show of sponge bob have to play in one day???? cute pics of your boys to you soon