Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My wonderful beautiful family

Everyone is doing good. Alexandra missed 2 days of school with a belly ache that went away shortly after school started. She has beed getting better at reading. She is currently reading Junie B. The toothless wonder. Xavier is good. He is so sweet. He tells me I am beautiful and that he loves me. He has been enjoying having Winslow over to play. They have a good time playing outside, even in the rain like today. Where to begin with Eli. He has always had such a large vocabulary. Yesterday he wore a jacket because it was "Chilly." Today when done eating he tells me. I am "finished now." Not done but finished. Sometimes I forget that he is only 2. he can speak and explain everything. All since he was around17 months old. the downfall is he picks up on bad words too. We are working on that. Vanessa is such a doll. We went to the clinic. Atleast 10 other kids took turns playing with her but didn't interract with each other. Last night Derek held her and brushed through her hair with Alexandras brush. He did it only for a minute and when he stopped she started in with her Uuh. Uuh. She wanted him to keep going . It was so cute. Derek is busy with work and coaching kids football with some of his buddies. It seems he is gone a lot. I have been filling my few moments of quiet with reading the Twilight series. Thank you Candace for getting me hooked on those. Back to them now

1 comment:

"Mima" said...

The house looks great. I know that it will full of love and lots of memories.