Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Yes, Derek's unit has been called up to go to Kuwait in March '09. No, I am not worried or panicked. Not much changes for me. More for him. I will still be in my same house with the kids and have family around. Of coarse I will miss him and the kids will too. Maybe it is because in the early years of our relationship and marriage we were apart a lot. He moved to AZ then VA while I was in Utah. But we got through it and here we are.

While he has been in Yakima for the last few weeks I have been trying to get a few projects done around here. I think I can check off 3 of 20. Eli falls asleep in his own bed and sleeps all night, Vanessa sleeps most of the night in her own room waking up only once instead of 5 plus times. I haven't yet let her cry herself back to sleep, and I got the family room painted. So as for the yard and rest of the house they still need work. I have a few more weeks.

The weather is changing and I love it. Alexandra is off on her first day of school. Xavier starts tomorrow. Alexandra has always been outgoing and ready for school so I never thought much of it sending her off. I am terrified of sending Xavier off. I think he is ready and will do fine I've just never been apart from him for very long. And if I was he was with family. But I guess 3 hours won't be that many. We went to the school and met his teacher last night and saw his classroom. Mrs. Covey seems very nice and he was excited about being there.

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