Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Alexandra's Baptism cont.

Now that Alexandra is 8 she chose to be baptized. I thought it was pretty cool that she asked my dad to do it because he baptized me 21 years ago in the same church building. He then confirmed her a member of the church and she received the gift of the Holy Ghost. She is such a wonderful girl. I would probably be lazy and stay home from church more often if she wasn't so excited about going to church every Sunday. She always reminds us to say a family prayer in the morning as well as read our scriptures. She is a great example for her brothers and sister.

Don't they look handsome.

1 comment:

~Just plain ol' me~ said...

Wish we lived closer, benie installs sprinkler systems. I am slowly figuring this thing out. It's a lil more involved than Myspace!