Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It has been somewhat strange around here. Derek and Eli left for Arizona two days ago. I miss my little Eli. I keep feeling like someone is missing when I look around checking on all the kids. I have never been apart from any of my kids for that long. I think the longest away from Eli is overnight when I was in the hospital with my ear infection. But even then Derek brought the kids up during the day. All last week Eli would talk about going to AZ where it was going to be warm and maybe go swimming. I don't remember ever swimming in February when we lived there but I thought maybe. Anyway, Eli asked Derek when they got there where they were and Derek said we are in Arizona. Eli said "this isn't Arizona. I don't see any big pool." Eli is such a cutie. I love the way he still likes to cuddle. The other kids aren't like that anymore. Vanessa likes to be held but not cuddle. Eli practically forms around you when you hold him.

Alexandra started soccer again. She is ready to be busy again but it will be different now that I will be the one taking her to practices. I really liked Derek doing that because I have to take all the kids with me and practice is from 5:30 to 7. Too short to go home and come back but too long to set and watch. Especially because the first month is in the school gym. She and Xavier are working on their reading so they can earn Silverwood tickets. I told them I would take them this summer if they earn tickets through the school reading program. Xavier is doing much better in school. The first quarter his teacher said he wasn't progressing, didn't know letter sounds or names. I didn't worry but it was nice this quarter because he knows almost all of them now. Yesterday he came home from school and asked if I had to say the Pledge of Allegiance when I was in Kindergarten. I said yes and he said it is bad to say. I think that some Obama fan must have said something but he tells me because it says "invisible" in it. I had to explain the meaning of "indivisible" He has also grown out his hair. Hasn't had it cut since the last incident that left it too short. I think it looks pretty good.

Vanessa is a pain in the butt. But we still love her. I took just her to the store with me the other day and it took me a good 45 minutes longer. She would climb out of the cart and just take off running. She thought she was so hilarious and having the best time ever. For the first half hour i was pretty good about it keeping her pretty close and in the same isle but then I reached that point where I was done. I seriously could have walked away from the cart and left the store if we weren't out of milk. I don't really care what other people think but you can't avoid the looks. The ones if I am letting her run crazy and the ones when I am trying to discipline her in public as patiently at possible. I asked Vanessa why she was running and being so naughty and she said. "I just happy." How can I argue with that? Because she has tubes in her ears she no longer gets the painful pressure from buildup behind the eardrum the goop just oozes out. It happened once with Eli. It gets in her hair which I try to keep pulled up. It is so gross and now the last couple of days she has smelled like wet dog. It has a really bad smell. I called the nurse and she said that the tubes are doing what they need to do and their is no need for antibiotics but I specifically remember Eli getting on meds when his drained this much.
I have been busy with kids here everyday. Derek worries our house will be destroyed but so far no major damage. Most days are 10 kids til noon then 8 til 4 then 12 till 5:30. twice a week I get 2 more kids random hours. Those days seem harder but not because the kids are harder just more stress I guess. I am ready for spring. We have been able to go outside for a while in the afternoon and the kids seem so much better when we get out and run around. I am trying to get some projects going. Pick up a hobby. I just don't know what I want to do. Spider solitaire gave me a headache yesterday. I want to feel I am accomplishing something. Something will work out. I feel I have been so lazy I just want to crash when the last kid is picked up. By the time we finish dinner, showers, and reading their isn't much day left. I hate that it is dark so early. So bring on spring. I am not falling for the 6 more weeks of winter Punxsutawney Phil, even though it did snow a couple inches last night. I am ready to work outside bu the ground is still frozen. So any ideas of something fun that leaves you with a feeling of accomplishment?

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