Saturday, February 14, 2009

I did it again

I took Vanessa with me to the store. After all the daycare kids went home Meg watched Alexandra and Xavier while we went to get her prescription which I keep trying to spell perscription. My plan to go in get the meds and leave. Standing in the waiting line I think since I am already here I should just pick up what i need so I don't have to come tomorrow. Instead of paying right then i take them with me and begin to travel the store. Vanessa stayed in the cart the whole time but kept throwing things out. It wasn't until I was ready to check out that I realized my purse wasn't in the cart. Ugh! What an awful feeling. So after scowling at Vanessa I know that it's really my fault. She's two. So starting at the pharmacy where I remember seeing it last I made my way around the store in the exact same way looking on the floor and shelves. Nothing. I stop at the customer service desk. nothing. Now I make my way around the store the exact same way but his time putting back everything I have picked up. Valentine balloon, socks, milk, ham, ice cream. I hope that is okay to put those types of things back. I had to keep the yogurt Vanessa bit off the edges of the lids. Kept the bananas, she'd already stepped on them. Luckily I had my phone in my purse. I call Kimber ask if she will be available to bring me my spare keys and $30 to cover what is in my cart. she said yes. I feel bad it being her birthday and all. she calls back said her parents are heading that way they will pick up my keys and bring it out. i have now been at the store for an hour and a half. I sit on the bench and say a little prayer. I am tired. The last two trips I carried Vanessa. She too is tired. Up walks Tara Bowes. She inquires if I am ok. I explain my situation and she insists we walk it again. My feet hurt I just want to sit and wait for my keys. But we go maybe this is the answer to my prayer. Pharmacy is closed so we skip asking them. We ask other employees if they have seen anything. No. I feel I should ask the lady at the fitting room. Nope. Head to the milk. Tara keeps mentioning we search through the clothes. easier to overlook then the empty milk isle. We make the whole round of the store ask customer service again. No. Start for the 4th time to walk the store. Vanessa's head has dropped onto my shoulder. Remember she is 34 lbs. We check the bathrooms and head to the fitting room. As Tara searches the rooms I look down into a cart and there it is among the other clothing items needing to be returned to the racks. I believe some employee picked it up thinking it needed to go back to the pile of purses. It 's not fancy and had only my wallet and keys in it so not heavy. I could see how the mistake could be made. I am insanely relieved. I am glad i don't have to explain to Derek once again what an idiot I am. You see he has heard similar things before. I tend to put things in a "safe place" only to forget myself where it was. I have misplaced my wallet many times bringing me to my knees asking the Lord to help me. I know that it was the Lord who helped me find it once again. I once misplaced a ring that was my grandmothers. Oh how I prayed to find that. i prayed over the coarse of a year thinking ever possibility of how I could have lost it. When and where did I wear it. A good time later I unpacked a bubble wrapped a sugar bowl that was my great grandmothers, took out the tissue inside and there was the ring. I will not lose that again. But instantly I remembered the moment I put it in there. A good hiding place. Unfortunately, I have misplaced/lost things that were not recovered. A different wallet, very special sentimental bracelet, earrings, keys. The keys, I had to use them to get into our apartment. A couple hours later couldn't find them. The wallet I used to pay at the store and didn't have it when I got to my car. Derek gave me some earrings, I wore them everyday for weeks until one day I felt my ear and there was no earring. he bought me the same pair (Not cheap, from Zales) so now I should have 3. Nope down to 2. He doesn't buy me jewelry any more. Maybe it is a good thing my fingers are to fat so my wedding ring won't come off. Anyway that was just a little bit about me.

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